As a writer, I am the Author of two Books: Teaching and Learning Dance Through Meaningful Gestures (2025) explores how technique is a philosophy and a theory, and how the body is an instrument for expression, and Unveiling Motion and Emotion/ Revelando Movimiento y Emoción (2013), a bilingual book (Spanish/English) about the importance of dance, community, choreography and dance pedagogy. During 1998 –2001, I was the Editor in Chief of Nexos de la Cultura Bahiense Magazine (Argentina).
I have given lectures and classes on the World History of Dance at colleges, universities and other institutions, including New York University Tisch BFA and MFA Dance, Columbia University, Temple University, Fordham University, Sarah Lawrence College, Wagner College, LeftForum/ John Jay College, La Sapienza (Rome, Italy), Centro Cultural Borges (Buenos Aires, Argentina) & Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bs.As, Argentina).
I am Member of Dance Critics Association (New York) and author of articles, interviews and reviews in Attitude: The Dancers Magazine (New York), The Dance Enthusiast (New York), Danza en Español (USA), Viceverza Magazine (NYC), NDEO Behind the Curtain Blog (USA), Fluir Revista Mexicana de Danza Contemporánea (Mexico), Danzaria (Spain), Dancing Opportunities (Europe), Revista ODÁ (Iberoamérica), The Dance Citizen (USA), Paso a Paso (Colombia), Loie Magazine (Argentina), La Luciernaga (Argentina) & Danza & Ballet (Spain).
Through a series of interviews during my editorship in 2024 at The Dance Enthusiast in NYC, I collected testimonies from pioneers and contemporary creators in Dance Theater. I researched the training and choreographic methodologies in Dance Theater, bridging the gap between dance and theater training as well as the lineage of European and American dance theater and its current expressions.
As a Latina choreographer for the last 35 years, my own evolution from classical ballet to modern dance to dance theater has prepared me to understand this interplay.